mo alexander造句
- One of its Idaho founders was Moses Alexander, America's first Jewish governor.
- He was also the third Jew ever elected governor of any state, after Washington Bartlett of California and Moses Alexander of Idaho.
- They note that Idaho elected the nation's first Jewish governor, Moses Alexander, a prohibitionist who served two terms beginning in 1914.
- Some, like Idaho's Moses Alexander _ who helped establish Idaho's first synagogue after taking office in 1915 _ have particularly bolstered their faith's community.
- It is on the verge of electing the nation's first American Indian governor, Larry Echohawk, and it was the first state to elect a Jew as governor, Moses Alexander in 1914.
- Idaho, he told the group of Indians assembled in a tribal cultural center overlooking Puget Sound, was the first state to elect a Jew as governor-- sending Moses Alexander to the statehouse in 1914.
- "' Moses Alexander "'( November 13, 1853 January 4, 1932 ) was the Jewish governor of a U . S . state, and the first who actually practiced that religion.
- After the United States entered the World War I, then Governor of Idaho Moses Alexander instilled nationalism rhetoric into the public discourse of the law while referring to the IWW s opposition against United States participation in the war.
- Moses Alexander ( November 13, 1853 January 4, 1932 ) was the second elected Jewish governor of a US state, serving as the 11th Governor of Idaho from 1915 until 1919 . Simon Bamberger was the third Jewish governor of a US State and the first non-Mormon elected Governor of the State of Utah, serving as the fourth Governor of Utah ( 1917 1921 ) after it achieved statehood from territorial status in 1896.
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